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Millions upon millions of people have been born and died while merely existing and not living. They have lived mediocre and unfulfilled lives because they were afraid of what they truly could be. Many people have lived without finding the Creator worthy enough to be honored through their lives. Much of this is a result of a constant stream of negativity oozing into our mental spaces though family, friends, and the media telling us we “cannot” be great and telling us we cannot define our own success. They are telling us we cannot be what our hearts are telling us we can be, and hearts are telling us we can be great.

My mind was renewed when I considered that at the end of it all, I would be labeled in one of two ways. I would either be labeled as one who rebelled against God through disobedience or be labeled as a responder because I answered the call and lived my life while fulfilling His purpose. I decided that I wanted to have His approval more than anyone else, even myself.


Because you are considering this book, I can surmise that you may feel the same way. I wrote this book to help you especially.


When you get to the end of these powerful and mind-altering pages you will:


  • Be able to recognize whether you are a Rebel or Responder.

  • Embrace the bold decision you have made to answer the call.

  • Understand how God speaks to you and immediately obey His voice.

  • Be courageous enough to identify and embrace where you are, what gifts and talents you have to offer, and what is your current truth.

  • Understand how to evaluate your dreams, who or what is standing in your way, and whether your dream is realistic.

  • Recognize and eliminate the source of your dream killers, time stealers, and pursuits that conflict with your ideal life.

  • Create courageous strategies that will empower you to walk into areas that are uncomfortable and unfamiliar.

  • Finally, be ready to put into action immediately the daily processes that will help you move forward.

Thank you for answering the call. Your family and friends need you. The world needs you. You need you.

Rebel or Responder

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